Oh yes! This is brilliant!
The best (perhaps only) Whovian / Seussian Christmas card! (It's on a t-shirt too!)
The front of the card artwork is by Ian Leino ☚ check out all his other geeky designs!
Every Doctoring Who down in WhovilleToasts your survival and the revival of goodwill.Even Oods and Judoons and Daleks confessToday is a day to say, Exterminate! Less.It's the season of hearts, big and deep as the TARDIS,To make room for any Who, any how, regardless!For faces and spaces may change with the season,But peace on Earth is a wish for every dimension.
I sent them to our friends & family this year, & framed one for my wall as well!
You can see it hanging near our Weeping Angel topped Doctor Who Christmas tree:
You can see it hanging near our Weeping Angel topped Doctor Who Christmas tree: